5 Super Style-boosters to pack for a fall trip to Europe

Honeymoon in Venice
Mark and me

While Mark and I honeymooned in Italy, I couldn’t help but draw inspiration from Italian street style – especially in Venice. I hope you enjoyed my (inspired) post about the essentials to pack for that fall trip to Europe. This time I want to share 5 additional items to include in that list: some super style-boostersVenice street style

Like art, style is individual and very personal; it expresses our innermost selves. Like art, it should also communicate a response, so to speak, to what we see around us – in order to be vibrant and alive.

Many of us can thank those who live in our area for our style inspiration. However, as theSTYLetti writer Liliya blogged about in a recent post, it is often fun to try out elements of style from places we visit. In this way, our style interacts with our surroundings.

While in Venice during the Art Biennale, Mark and I saw artwork from all different countries, but I was no less thrilled to observe styles of dress among travelers from everywhere. 

Scarves in Venice
Scarves are a must have.

Although I don’t suggest we simply adopt every style tendency around us, I discovered 5 extra fun style-boosters to play with while visiting Europe in fall: 

1) Tights – especially now that there is such a cool variety of patterned ones. Not everyone – especially me! – wants to wear jeans every day on vacation, and for breezy days, tights are like a cardigan for the legs and when they feature funky patterns, double as a showcase for a whimsical sense of style. 

Tights in Venice

2) A hat. Granted, I don’t see tons of Italians – nor Europeans, for that matter – wearing hats. But if you have a cool one and it makes your outfit more interesting, why not bring it?

I must caution, however, against looking like you’re trying too hard. I vividly recall a young American (quite sure) couple exiting a restaurant one evening; they stood out like sore thumbs, because were dressed more for a summer wedding (she in a lightweight dress and sandals). It didn’t help that they also both wore white fedoras.

On the flip side of that, Europeans seem to be increasingly fascinated with American style – especially New York City style. According to French actress Lea Seydoux, “The French are a little more chic, very classic. I think it can be boring too, because they don’t take any risks…When you are in London or New York it’s all crazy styles.” (https://intothegloss.com/2011/10/lea-seydoux-actress/) A hat can be one way of enjoying some craziness. 

Hats in Venice
I also love the patterned tights to the right, don’t you?

3) Light-colored clothing (during the day). We might feel that we need to go darker in fall. But while on holiday abroad, why not echo lighter spirits with a corresponding palette? It is delightful to see so many in Venice with a similar inclication.

Light-colored clothing in Venice

4) Cool statement jewelry – for after you peel off that scarf! – is a way of highlighting your appreciation for bold color, interesting shapes, precious gems, or special textures, and it occupies minimal room in a suitcase. Murano glass and silver jewelry (pendants and ring) purchased at a Schiavon Art Team‘s boutique in Venice are a perfect example. 

Glass jewelry from Murano
The olive colored glass brings out my personal coloring. Mark got matching cuff links.

5) A fashion touch, but not too many nor ostentatiously. It’s fun to be current in a fashion-loving country with something fringe, metallic-y, or fur-collared, for example.

Fur collar and sparkly sweater

However, it is not a good idea to appear as if you’re dripping with showy name brands (e.g. a statement Fendi handbag, LV carry-on, AND Tumi suitcase)…simply not necessary!

Graffiti in Venice
During an evening walk, Mark and I saw this graffiti poking fun at less-than-tasteful tourists

Italians are masters at combining high brow articles with low-priced ones. Why not take a page from their book?

Venice style
In Italy, style inspiration is everywhere!

I hope that these outfit-on-European-holiday ideas have inspired you. Perhaps you have some additional packing-for-Europe ideas, or recommendations for vacationing in an autumn climate. I’d love to hear from you!

XO, Janea 


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