Booties to Put a Little Spring in Your Step

I once had a five-year-old neighbor whose parents allowed her sole decision-making power over her dress. Consequently, she donned rain boots in Summer (in California) and sparkly sandals in Winter. Her freedom was fabulous to behold!

Always longing for a similar sort of liberation, I adore booties in Spring/Summer. They are a little counter intuitive. They do not help a girl stay cool on a sultry day. But oh, do they look bomb with a short skirt or leggings or even dressy shorts.

I spotted these lovely booties (pictured below) in San Francisco last week. I find the stilettos to be oh-so-feminine.

booties for Spring

The slightly chunkier heels give an edgy, city flavor to the following looks, don’t you agree?

booties for Spring

booties for Spring

But beige booties – whether stilettos or shorter, sturdier heels – are my personal favorite. Love the potential they have of lengthening the leg while worn with a skirt. 

booties for Spring

Yes, even though biologically I am no longer five years of age, this girl is excited to be transitioning from Fall/Winter sandals (with tights) to Spring/Summer booties. Are you game?


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