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Do you remember when crop tops first came around? It seems that fashionistas are drawing upon 1990s inspiration these days, and one of the garments to get pulled out of the time capsule is the crop top. You’ve noticed, however, that it is not worn the same way…or at least it probably shouldn’t be for we who wore one the […]
Have you noticed a white-soled and thick-soled thing happening lately? I’ve see it wherever I go: Seattle, San Francisco, New York, Milan. It seems that the Vans revival is just the tip of the iceberg. Eye-catching white soles have migrated to loafers and sandals. And to carry the sole-dominant tendency even further, the uber fashion-conscious are sporting sneakers, […]
Have you been to Italy recently? If you have and you are a style-watcher, you have probably noticed that the streets are full of ballerinas. I’m not referring, mind you, to those women in tights and tutus who twirl around on tip-toe. No, I mean ballet flats, which in Italy are referred to in English as ballerinas (in […]
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