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You Say, “Plaid” and I Say, “Tartan”

plaid or tartan?

Is it plaid or tartan? A while back I was roaming the hallways of Superior Court where I worked, and an attorney approached me to say, “Nice tartan!” referring to my wool blazer with criss-crossing stripes. After looking at her quizzically for a moment, wondering why she had said “tartan” and not “plaid“, I could only sheepishly mumble “Thank […]

Shoe Journey

Shoe journey

I have discovered this awesome shoe store, called El Capriccio, in Bellagio on Lake Como (no, not Vegas!) which of course, sells shoes made in Italy. Their merchandise is lovely, comfortable and much more economically accessible than say, Gucci or Prada.  As soon as my fiancé Mark and I first stepped in, I found some gorgeous black court pumps. Since […]

Not Exactly Cinderella’s Glass Slippers (Chunky heels and Other Sturdy Footwear)

All Saints booties

This Spring while people-watching in San Francisco, Seattle, Boston and New York, I have noticed that sturdy footwear is a huge hit. Although a lover of delicate high heels, I certainly understand the desire for comfort among damsels who are serious about getting around on foot. I am also thrilled by the manner in which many of the following muses use it to […]


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