Do New Yorkers Wear Only Black? Um, No!

New Yorkers, like Londoners, have a reputation for dressing in all black.

Wearing all black in NYC

While I noticed that there is a demonstrated fondness for black attire, it is not the only color on the streets of NYC.

Even in the days leading up to the blossoming of flowering plants and trees in Central Park…

Central Park, Spring 2015

you can see color sprouting on the streets, even with otherwise all-black attire.

Share 146Last week I wrote about New Yorkers dressed in shades of yellow to gold. This week, I want to share with you an even greater diversity of hues.


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True confession. The look of the woman above was too good to not shoot. After she walked past me in Grand Central Market (and my getting the vibe that she is not the kind of lady who poses for strangers), I became possessed; I rushed past her, spun around and regretfully noticed she was too close for a full shot of her. Luckily, I captured the divine coat.

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IMG_5143Then there are New Yorkers, such as the woman pictured below, who possess an exquisitely subtle command of color.

Wearing color in NYC

So, do most New Yorkers wear black? In cold months, you could say so. But at the same time, there are certainly quite a few who rock color

Color in NYC


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