There is a trend taking the streets by storm in San Francisco: garments of the fuzzy, furry type. I have to say I am more of an observer than a participant in this movement. It runs counter to my sense of style. I mean, this time of year I’m racking my brain trying to figure out how to stay warm without looking like Sasquatch or the Abominable Snowman. Yes, bewildering to me is this trend to fluff up – or perhaps should I say, “out” – one’s silhouette.
Although the trend seems to be much more successful on a conceptual and practical level (offering plenty of insulation) than aesthetically – on real people! – I have found 12 exceptions and near-exceptions on the streets of San Francisco.
If you are going to sacrifice figure enhancement for a fuzzy sweater, for example, you might as well do as the lovely muse pictured above and wear one which transmits a look of “softness“.
The fun thing about this not-so-soft-looking coat is that it is so costume-y. If you’re going to go with faux fur, you might as well go for ultra fake!
But please keep in mind: fake is awesome up to a point. Pink, really?
Although I cannot imagine it flattering a real person, the fluffy garment in the store window pictured below is quite the objet d’art (even if it might seldom work in the real world)!
In the next picture we see something suggestive of fluff which does not actually embody fluff (so much). With the black leggings – a winning accouterment, I’ve decided – it kinda sorta works in an aesthetically interesting way, don’t you think?
Hey! Fake fur totally works on manikins!
But maybe not all of them. This look is totally boxy.
Is this the same jacket on the street?
This next fur – if you are not bothered by the implications related to treatment of animals – is gorgeous and draws attention to the this woman’s hair of similar shades. However, puffy-ness could be an issue.
Then there is white and puffy: almost cloud-like!
Perhaps a vest like the one pictured allows for the least distortion of one’s silhouette.
Now, I must say, this one WORKS! This woman combines a puffy top half with a slimming leg look. It’s reasonably flattering!
As in the case of mannequins, we cannot ignore the fact that a slender figure is a huge boon in allowing her to wear a fur coat well. It looks even better unbuttoned.
All in all, while I am generally against the fluffy/furry rage – for purely aesthetic reasons – I have to admit that it can sometimes almost, kinda work.
XO, Janea
In September of this year, I published a couple posts featuring ensembles from FashionART Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz, California. One participant seems to have foreshadowed this year’s fuzzy furry trend. Her contribution, entitled “Hair Ball Gown“, was fabricated using her own hair. It’s an extremely creative project, but ewwwww!
One Response
I must admit I love the little vest.