New Yorkers Go White

new Whitney Museum

I recently visited New York’s brand new Whitney Museum. It reminds me of the Oslo Opera House: stately with cool angles and literally gleaming. As I walked along the nearby High Line and back to Mid-town, I continued to encounter visions of white…in the attire of New Yorkers.  


It was wonderful to see a deviation from the typical seasonal lag between store window displays and people on the street; what you see behind the glass is right there on the sidewalk…

White attire
Don’t you think this Tahara window display looks a bit Star Trekky?

…and chaise lounges.

New Yorkers going white
With temperatures of 78 degrees (at last!) I can’t say I blame these people for treating the High Line or library steps as their very own beachside resort.

It was also great to see something other than the hue in which we most often see New Yorkers: black. I can certainly understand the switch, and besides, who waits for Memorial Day anymore to wear white?

New Yorkers going white

Whether going completely cazh or a little dressier, you can’t pick a better color than white for a balmy afternoon. I love how it creates a look that is clean, fresh, and breezy. It speaks to me of regeneration, of new beginnings, and most definitely, of Spring.

New Yorkers go white

It looked sooo comfortable with scantily (or at least lightly) clad feet…

New Yorkers go white

and for those who preferred white attire with boots, I can only say, “Why not?” The muses pictured below certainly created some awesome looks.

New Yorkers going white

Toward the end of my afternoon stroll, I was showered with tiny white blossoms falling from the skies (or trees) and was reminded of how often signs of the season are reflected in our style choices.

White blossoms

Ahhh, New Yorkers in white are a great show of style this spring!

XO, Janea




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