Two Outfits for my Running Meditation

First of running outfits

I recently realized that I have yet to share workout clothes on the blog. Of course, they aren’t exactly chic. But they have some very important features. These two running outfits help turn my running into a meditation.

One of the things I do to stay healthy, energetic, and sane is running. It is like meditation for me, because it allows me to totally escape from the busy-ness of the day.

Running belt

That’s why in addition to being fun, I want my outfit to help me tune out the brain static. This cool running belt does just that. It has multiple pockets, one of which holds my iPhone in its enormous case. And so, I can listen to inspiring music on my run and set a timer when I don’t want to keep track of time.

This stretchy sash-style belt doesn’t move. I can’t say I’ve had the same success with neoprene belts, which bounce as I run – thanks to a smaller waist and wider hips.

Running belt

Tip: to keep from yanking out the headphone cord (if you swing your arms or while peeling off a layer), try threading it under your bra.

The belt also has a key ring, on which I carry a vial of pepper spray. That’s because feeling unsafe definitely keeps me from de-stressing. Once, a man saw me running and decided to run toward me, yelling and making lewd gestures. Good grief!

Bright and reflective colors and stripes

And speaking of feeling safe, I also want to be seen by drivers when I am running in the street. And so, I wear bright colors or at least bright stripes. It can make putting together the outfit more fun too. I was pretty happy to discover that this top, the shorts, and my running shoes all have dark pink accents.

Running outfit with bright stripes
I love these Tifosi bicycling glasses – they don’t fog up!

A comfortable bra

And speaking of protection, it is essential to wear the right running bra. Otherwise, you could 1) be uncomfortable and 2) risk losing your perkiness prematurely. I hate having to fight with a bra to put it on. And so, I love this one by Chantelle which hooks in the back.

And speaking of maintaining youthfulness, I always wear Think Baby SUNSCREEN and Burt’s Bees lip balm to prevent premature aging of my skin. On the topic of skin products, Alba makes a great non-petroleum jelly. I use it on long runs to prevent rashes in my underarms or blisters on my feet.

Good running bra, lip balm, sunscreen, natural rash preventionRunning shoes

Just as with most other outfits, the right shoes are crucial. Each running shoe brand seems to have its own flavor, so to speak. And my feet definitely prefer New Balance. If you are in doubt as to your flavor, I recommend Road Runner Sports in the U.S. They’ll put you on a treadmill, video tape you running, and then give you suggestions of which shoes ought to work best for your gait.Second of running outfits: bright piecesBeware, however, of their sales pitch for “custom insoles.” I’ve fallen victim. Later I read and confirmed, however, that any kind of insole is just as helpful for preventing injuries.Bright running outfitLastly, be sure to wear moisture-wicking materials – cotton holds the moisture from sweat next to your skin. These purple shorts illustrate a trend in women’s running clothes: stretchy, shorter shorts. For cooler months, Road Runner Sports sells some really cool tights that also wick away moisture – and they’re flattering!

Hope you liked this post about a couple of my fave running outfits. Do you have any tips to add?Cool running outfit

In outfit #1, I wore: North Face top / Nike Dry Fit shorts / New Balance running shoes / Super Feet insoles / Road Runner Sports Dry Max socks / Old (forgotten brand) running belt / Road Runner Sports cap / Tifosi sunglasses / Moving Comfort bra (discontinued) 

In outfit #2, I wore: Under Armour top / Nike shorts / New Balance Sneaker / Super Feet insoles / Road Runner Sports Dry Max socks / Chantelle running bra / Tifosi sunglasses

xo, janea





22 Responses

  1. Thanks, Amy Ann. I also get nervous seeing them, or sometimes almost not seeing them as they walk in front of my car! xo

  2. Thanks, Caitlin! These are my favorite pair of shorts. They are so soft and non-restrictive. And although they are very short, the cut is flattering. xo

  3. Thanks, Cindy Elena! I was so sad when Moving Comfort discontinued my favorite running bra that hooks in the back. But if it weren’t for that, I would have never discovered the Chantelle version – it’s also my favorite brand for regular bras! xo

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