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How to Wear Converse, and How Not To!

How to wear Converse

Chuck Taylors by Converse are the classic sneaker for cool, casual style when combined with the right outfit. It isn’t rocket science to rock them. But I do believe there are ways to – and not to! – wear them. Here are 12 DO’s and DON’Ts based on my experiences observing them on the streets. 1) DON’T… combine Chucks with a totally boring or meh outfit.  […]

Sneans (Sneakers + Jeans) – Why, Oh Why?


My friend Lora came over for coffee the other day and enlightened me about a fashion faux pas, which has apparently left a not-so-great impression of us Americans in places abroad like Australia and New Zealand. It is the wearing of sneans. If you haven’t heard of it yet, don’t feel bad; the autocorrect on my computer didn’t recognize […]

Creature of Comfort

Melissa Bolinger

A friend once told me that I was a “creature of habit”. I was shocked and slightly offended. I am a creature of COMFORT! My earliest fashion memory is of the white ruffles on my red Christmas tights. You know the ruffles on the bottoms of babies and toddlers? Those ruffles were made of nylon […]


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