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Sockless in New York City (in mid-30 temps!)

Bare-legged in cold NYC

New York City weather was frigid last week. It ranged from rainy/cool to snowy to windy and c-c-cold. On the most inhospitable days, people bundled up to insulate themselves from the biting chill. I spotted an amazing number of brazen mavens, however, who on the most gelid days still took a devil-may-care attitude and went bare-legged.  Even seeing those […]

New Yorkers Dressing in Shades of Yellow to Gold

Yellow taxi cabs in NYC

Have you noticed how people often take on the colors of their surroundings? I wrote an earlier post about dressing for fall in the San Francisco Bay Area, which to me means echoing the true autumn colors of that region: blue skies and golden hillsides. It stands to reason that many New Yorkers would dress in […]

Tights: An Answer to a Chilly Introduction to Spring

Tights for transitional dressing

I realize that not all my readers reside in California and are able to enjoy current temperatures in the 60’s, 70’s or even 80’s. So, I want to share a tip for those aching to wear Spring attire in less-than-conducive weather. Full disclosure. Tights are my favorite article of transitional wear. Not only can and do I wear them with sandals – […]


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